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Ai Usage Policy

Ai Generated Content Policy

Regarding Ai Generated Content: When used, CEUQuest (™️ requires the author to make attribution to that content. This requirement applies to the printed word and images.

CEUQuest (™️ will abide by this policy and is held to our own standards.

If you are a contributor to CEUQuest (™️, you will be required to identify which portions of your submitted work/images are Ai generated. Failure to do so will result in takedown of that contribution.

In the case of CEUQuest (™️, all images are sourced from author’s personal subscription services Canva[.]com, OpenAi[.]com, Dall-e, ElegantThemes[.]com. WordPress[.]org public themes or the authors own images, including background photographs. Additional un-named sources may also be used and attribution will be made at that time.

The CEUQuest (™️ logo is the creation and property of CEUQuest (™️ and™.